VAF - Viborg Animations Festival

In 2012 the first 'Viborg Animation Festival' was held in Viborg, Denmark. I had the pleasure of organizing and leading several Workshops for children and adults introducing them to the basics of animation while also promoting the festival. It was great to work together with people and sharing my knowledge and passion for animation. Here are some clips to give an idea of what we produced together: 


In the 'Light-Animation' Workshops volunteers were encouraged to use torches as drawing utensils creating short clips of Stop-Motion Animation.  It was a great Success and the volunteers were enthusiastic about the technique and outcome. As a result Light-Animation Performances took place at the opening party, the gala party and the 'Animation Rocks' concert of the Festival. Thanks again to all the volunteers who particpated and made this a fun experience!

The Pixel-Kick Workshops were for children visiting the Energi-Museum of Bjerringbro close to Viborg with the theme being 'Computer Games'. The children had fun playing and posing for the camera. Through this process they learned a little bit about Stop-Motion animation and the 'VAF'-Festival coming to Viborg.

The Animation Handbook

Is part of my Magister (M.A.) thesis at the University of Arts and Design in Linz, Austria. I wrote a booklet about Analogue Animation Techniques and the Basics of Animation intended to introduce and encourage other interested students to build their own home-studio and start animating in various techniques. It was a lot of fun to write and summarise my own knowledge on the subject as well as communicate my passion for animation following a 'Do It Yourself'- Approach. This small booklet is currently available at the Animation Workshop for interested Applicants who are still new to Animation.